Mark Taliano

Commentary by Rida Ali on the Murder of Syrian Archaeologist Khaled Al-Asaad by Western-backed ISIS.

There is no force on this planet can defeat a nation which had a man, 83 years old, had tortured for a month by #USA -backed terrorists before they “ISIS” beheaded him because he refused to guide them to the effects of his homeland ,#Palmyra, and to cooperate with them. It is likely ,the body of world- famous Syrian archaeologist Khaled Al-Asaad found in #Kahloun area, about 10 km to the east of Palmyra. The identity of his body is expected to be confirmed after the DNA tests.“نخيل تدمر لا ينحني” كانت آخر جملة قالها العالم خالد الأسعد لداعش قبل أن تهوى عليه يد سياف داعش الأمريكية