Critical Care Nurse Discusses COVID Data Fraud

Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa


So this is interview number two with Tiffany, a former frontline worker. And today we’re going to discuss the fraud of the PCR test. My understanding is that when this plandemic started, the PCR test with the Drosden Protocols was used to beef up the number of cases to create a bunch of false cases. So that Public Health event (Emergency) of International  Concern (PHEIC) , something like that, could be created. What is your experience as a frontline critical care nurse with PCR test?


A lot of experience. So if you do any research about PCR, you can look at the inventor is Kary Mullis. He conveniently died in 2019 on multiple TV episodes, YouTube episodes, even blogs. He’s asked Dr. Fauci himself to come and sit with him and talk about actual medicine and science. And Dr. Fauci has denied. Denied. So conveniently, Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, died 2019. He also did an interview. I forgot who. But it did go viral before being taken down because of censorship. Where he said the PCR test cannot detect anything because it can be amplified based on whatever genetic sequence you’re sequencing it with. So fast forward now, working in critical care, we would have patients who are tested day one, negative, day two negative, and then exhibiting every classical sign of whatever Covid actually is. And then they would be positive day three. So it would make no sense at all. It never followed any clinical picture. And if you actually open any package insert of any PCR rapid antigen test, it will stay there for you. It will say that the positive indication of a test does not prove Covid.


It shows that there’s some type of viral or bacterial pathogen and that your symptoms must be clinically correlated with further diagnostics and also further like history, et cetera, et cetera. It says that in every single package, PCR and antigen test. So not only did Karry Mullis, go on a TV and say, you can’t use this test to do anything because it can be wrongfully amplified and genetically sequenced.


You can pick up almost anything.


So if you want to sequence something and then you want to say, that’s what we’re going to pick it up with, then of course you’re going to have something. But also the issue with the PCR is that it can’t distinguish between anything different. And I work in hospitals.


Oh, sorry to interrupt. So it can’t distinguish between the flu and cold, for example.


And people think, Guys, we’re intelligent. We really are as a species. We’re just full of trauma right now that we can’t see what’s going on. Where would influenza go? Where did it just pick up and have a sabbatical or vacation? No, it’s manipulation of data. And I’ll tell you, working in critical care. And also I have a personal story. My daughter is a severe asthmatic, and she had an episode and ended up in ICU, and they ended up swabbing her and they told me to my face because at that point, they didn’t know that I worked there as well, because I worked at all sites. And they lost her swab. Lost her swab. But they knew that COVID was negative. Covid, influenza, rhino, all these other influenza A, B, all in the same swab. So you lied to my face. You lost the swab, but you were able to tell me that her Covid  swab, which is the same swab we use for flu, for rhino, for anything like there’s like 30 to 40 bugs that we test for, and they lie. So that’s what I’m saying. They’re lying about all of it. And doctors are being told this could be substantiated by talking to many doctors that they can’t test for influenza A or B, which is the flu.




But they can test for COVID. So what is it? What are you positive? If you are testing with the same testing method, but you’re only allowed to check off certain boxes, how do you know what’s what right.

Okay. Makes no sense.


It doesn’t distinguish between flu and whatever Covid happens to be or any number of coronaviruses. It’s not specific. And also, the CDC itself withdrew support for the PCR test. So why are we using it?




The WHO itself almost a year ago said 45 cycle threshold is way too high.


Way too high. Because they’re amplifying. That means they’re amplifying the genetic sequence just pretty much ascertaining to the point where it’s going to be positive.


And back in the days of common sense, a doctor wouldn’t even use one of these tests. A front line doctor. He or she would make a diagnosis based upon their medical experience.


Medical experience, symptomology history, maybe a swab to maybe substantiate. But it’s not the whole clinical picture. And that’s not even just speculation. It’s literally written in front of you. If you pull any package insert of the PCR and the antigen test, it’ll have a blurb. I’ll leave it to you to show that they don’t know. So to do such drastic things like lockdowns based on a scientific method, any scientific method that fails over 1% cannot be deployed. Lockdowns killed people. Lockdowns destroyed families, friends, destroyed the economy. Exactly. And they were using a testing method that never should have been there in the first place.


Okay, just one quick clarification with your daughter. Explain the different swabs and how it proves that it’s.


Yeah. So when kids come in or anyone comes in, usually ERs have, like, a substandard, like, set standards testing. And so when people come in, like septic, we do a whole septic workout. Workout. When people come in abdominal, we do an abdominal paint. So my daughter came in because she was extremely sick. We would’ve lost her. And so we did a septic panel. And having worked in the ER it’s like the golden. So we tested her head to toe because we didn’t know why this kid was so sick. So quickly and then they told me to my face because they didn’t realize that I actually had work. I was working there and they said that they lost her viral swabs but that her COVID was negative.


How would they know that?


Exactly. They’re lying. They didn’t want to tell me that they’re not allowed to test for anything but COVID and whether the COVID is coming back as influenza A or B it’s still a positive or negative indication. So it’s just total complete data manipulation. Like 100%.


From a very confidential source, I heard that there were two fatal car accidents, automobile accidents and the clear cause of death was trauma and in both cases they put it down as Covid presumably because a month or two months before (the accident) the victim tested positive on this fake test.


Absolutely. I’m sorry. I come from health care. I know that everyone in healthcare is going through their own thing right now, their own journey. But there are some doctors, some people, some upper management, senior leadership that are being incentivized to fraudulently document deaths. So if they had COVID even if so, for instance, even if you have someone who is terminally deemed palliative because their cancer has metastasized everywhere and they’re palliative that this is the end of the road. So we know that this cancer has been established say they have a week to live, unfortunately and they pass away.




We know that it was most likely to say brain cancer that’s most of the time everywhere they will go down as a Covid death if they’re positive or if they had a swab but we know that it’s not the main cause of death.




And the thing is this is what the public deserve to know Because most people would have changed maybe their vaccination choices or they would have changed the way they approach situations had they known that this person had COVID but they were actually dying from terminal cancer.


Right. My understanding is just prior to this pandemic, they changed the coding to death certificates for COVID only to artificially elevate it (COVID death stats), which is what you just described.


Yeah, I’m sorry.


Thank you very much. And I’m looking forward to interview number three.




Thank you. Bye.

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