Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa
Okay, so here we are in Ontario and I’m speaking with my friend Tiffany, who is a critical care nurse.
Was a critical care nurse.
Could you tell us a little bit about that, please Tiffany?
Tiffany, my name is Tiffany. I’ve been a nurse for nine years. Of the last nine, seven of them have been in critical care. I was also doing my Masters. I just had clinical left and they kicked me out because I refused to disclose my status or go along with the narrative period. But luckily that was okay because throughout this journey, it propelled me into my PhD, which I’m doing a PhD and a doctorate in integrative medicine with a focus on quantum.
Wow. And could you tell me a little while we’ve discussed this. We’re both discussed by what’s happening. Last time we were discussing this, you used the term genocide. Can you explain what you mean by that?
This is a big trigger word for a lot of people. Actually, last night I posted so as of May 2, there was a Pfizer 80,000 pages of data dump was released through the FOIA request, which is a Freedom of Information Act, which is a federal act that once you give them that you want a request, they have to give it to you. So anyways, I reposted the link to access this information and I used they are doing genocide. And this seems to be a very big trigger for a lot of people. And I understand because we don’t want to use this term lightly. Unfortunately, though, I’m not even using it as a blanket term. I’m using it because that is exactly what is happening. I worked directly in the front lines. Any nurse in this country could tell you that the vaccine injuries are rolling in. Miscarriages, death, strokes, Bells Palsy. We had cancer patients who were in remission, completely cancer free. And then two, three months after getting the vaccine, they’re up to stage three. And yes, absolutely, there are some things that are coincidental, but there is a massive common denominator that is not even being acknowledged.
And that is the injection. And yes, it is behaving, unfortunately, as genocide. It’s the tool. The injection is the tool to complete the genocide. The reason I use the word genocide not to trigger other people is because the whole purpose of this vaccine is eugenics and depopulation, which is genocide. And it is being done on a global scale. So, yes, I don’t mean to discount what people have gone through because it is very serious, but I’m using it so that we can start addressing it for what it is. And it is genocide.
Yeah. We have to name this. I mean, the VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System. Last time I checked, it was 25, 26,000 death. They pulled the swine flu jab off the market after about 50 deaths. I hand delivered the VAERS to my doctor. I think some doctors don’t know what’s going on here, but some of them are not even aware that there’s a recording system. Is that correct?
Correct. So what happens is VAERS is American and people we don’t know about VAERS is that anyone can report. And. Absolutely. With any data reporting, there is going to be some coincidence. There are going to be some things that are not true. Absolutely. But I have to remind people that in America, if you falsely report a VAERS report and they investigate it, if you go to jail.
Oh, my gosh.
However, in Canada, though, there isn’t really an adverse reporting system. There are the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. And I believe a couple other alliances in Canada have started creating the infrastructure and the framework for reporting. But I know of a personal friend who was a nurse who had her third injection. Privacy. I can’t give names. And she had a stroke 30 minutes after receiving.
Oh, my gosh.
And she was a nurse critical. She’s youngest 50s. And she said that she tried to report it because she knew within 30 minutes of the onset of having the injection, there was an onset of stroke. And the doctors belittled her, dehumanized her and said there was no correlation. And maybe there isn’t. I highly doubt it. However, it deserves to be investigated and people deserve to be listened and heard. And at the very bare minimum, in Canada, there deserves to be a national framework for reporting so that we can get to the bottom of it.
Absolutely. And it’s not just VAERS, Eudravigilance recorded very many excess deaths, Yellow Card. And by many accounts, they’re underreported by a huge figure.
5% is only reported.
Yeah, it’s unbelievable. And then there’s pathologists with Reiner Fuelmich, Dr. Arne Burkhart
And he did autopsies, and he’s finding a direct correlation between jobs and death. Absolutely. How is this happening to us? A lot of people. And then how is this happening? Okay, so there’s a lot of pressure on health care professionals to not tell the truth. Can you talk a little bit about that?
There is there’s a lot of pressure. There’s a lot of shaming. What happens is you take such a sacred institution what health care is used to be. And you have to understand that nurses and doctors are coming from a very trauma driven workplace. Unfortunately, we know the healthcare has been under-staffed, hallway medicine has been going on for years. And then you tackle a pandemic with changing policies. You cut down staff, you cut down PPE, you cut down all these things. It just makes it that much worse. So healthcare has allowed itself to be weaponized, but they don’t even know it because they’re so inundated with trauma that they just can’t see anything. Right. And then some people do know what’s going on, but they’re scared because they might lose their job like I did. And they’re single parents and they have not just one mouth to feed, they have 2,3,4,5. Right. Which changes things. And then, unfortunately, there are some bad apples that know exactly what’s going on and have accepted financial incentives. But moving forward, we can’t paint everyone with the same brush. You really have to understand what everyone has a unique story.
But however, regardless, we should have been sounding the alarm at the beginning when we were seeing the numbers, when we started seeing the catastrophic effects of lockdowns, when we started changing the age of consent overnight without even batting an eye.
What about therapeutics? Since when do doctors ignore therapeutics like they have with this coronavirus? I mean, hydroxychloriquine, there are plenty of studies. Science, it’s not my background. But there’s plenty of studies that say that doctor discretion and some doctors swear by Hydroxychloriquine and I imagine that they work, but it’s therapeutic. Therapeutic Nihilism is the word I’m hearing.
Absolutely. And the thing is you have to I am a big supporter of the Hydrochloroquine and Ivermectin and I have to say that unfortunately, they’re not being utilized because of cost. It costs. It roughly. Now, this stat was probably two, three years updated. Now, inflation has probably gone up, but usually it costs the province about $14,000 a day to put someone on a ventilator. And I remember Ivermectin cost us about $40. So where do you think they’re going to go about
Mark: how much?
Tiffany: $40.
Yeah. So if you treat them, it’s way less expensive.
Precisely. Absolutely. And what’s happening is two or three countries.
Mark: Oh excuse me I gotta interrupt.
So, the hospital gets much less. Really? And so the doctors, they go into the hospital and they really are not allowed to even prescribe those drugs. That option isn’t even available to them. Hardly.
No, they’re not prescribed. They have gag orders and they’re getting their licenses stripped. A lot of us are being hauled into the offices. Sorry. Fired.
Yeah. So this is wrong. It is very and then next time, when we have more time, we’re going to talk about this fraud called this PCR test.
Yes, I can go in depth about that, but I will tell you that there are two countries in South America that did preventative treatment with Hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, C, Zinc. And they gave it to all their citizens. And their citizens did so much better than what we did as a first world country.
Yeah, it’s terrible.
We’ll definitely chat more am.
Definitely. Thank you very much. Thank you. Bye.
READ MORE: VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports
Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt on the impacts of experimental jabs
Grand Jury – Day 6 – Eugenics and Outlook – Bluecat Media
Critical Care Nurse Discusses COVID Data Fraud – Mark Taliano