Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows

Original Link Here: Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows – Slay News

Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 with mRNA shots will lose 25 years of their life expectancy, a bombshell new study has revealed.

Researchers analyzed government data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cleveland Clinic Data, and insurance company risk assessment data.

The analysis uncovered a disturbing trend showing life spans plummetting in those who had multiple doses of the shots.

The latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data were analyzed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst.

Stirling’s study shows an incredibly disturbing trend.

The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time as it appears to continue indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data shows that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in 2021.

Those who have had 5 doses were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than they were in 2021.

If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

The data shows that every year, excess deaths are soaring dramatically as all forms of mortality accelerate, despite the level of injections people take going down.

The issue is not isolated to the United States, however, and is impacting nations all around the world.

Recent government data out of Australia shows that the excess deaths in 2022 were 5162% higher than in previous years.

A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.

Now they are 20 times more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show.

According to the study based on government data out of Cleveland, the average age of a man is around 80 years if he’s unvaxxed.

Yet, the rate of vaxxed deaths is growing in comparison to unvaxxed.

The study found that someone who’s had 4 or 5 shots and is 30 years old today can now expect to live to 55 at the oldest.

READ MORE: Bill Gates’ Oral Vaccine Triggers Polio Outbreak in Africa


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