ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children” Borders on Ridicule/ By Prof Chossudovsky

Global Research, April 02, 2023

Updated on April 2, 2023

Original Link Here: ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children” Borders on Ridicule – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for President Vladimir Putin and his Children’s Rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova, over the alleged “unlawful kidnapping of Ukrainian children’.  According to the I.C.C: 

“there are reasonable grounds to believe that each suspect bears responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population and that of unlawful transfer of population from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, in prejudice of Ukrainian children.”  (emphasis added)

The I.C.C. accusation directed against Vladimir Putin of “kidnapping” or “deportation” of Ukrainian children borders on ridicule.

The president of the I.C.C. Piotr Hofmanski (see below) refers to the Geneva Convention, without the foggiest  understanding of the rights of civilians in a war zone.

The Azov Battalion as well as Ukrainian forces have routinely bombed civilians in Donbass since 2014. The I.C.C. fails to acknowledge that killing children in a war zone is a crime against humanity.

Swastika, Azov Battalion’s SS Wolfsangel symbol, NATO Flag (Right to Left)

These are the Nazi terrorists who are killing children in Donbass. Their legitimacy is tacitly upheld by the I.C.C. They are generously funded by the “International Community”.

The Nazi SS Wolfsangel symbol

The war did not start in February 2022. Since 2014, Donbass residential neighbourhoods, schools, hospitals, ambulances, etc. have been routinely targeted. From the 2014 Euromaidan and the US sponsored Coup d’Etat to February 2022, up to 14,000 Donbass residents have been killed.

Bombing of schools: It’s terrorism instigated by Kiev against Ukrainian Children.

What is the truth? What is the lie?

Thousands of children were killed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion (which is supported by US-NATO).

Fleeing the war zone to save your children is tagged by the I.C.C. as “deportation”.

The people of Donbass have been under constant shelling for nearly a decade now and they don’t even duck when hearing incoming shells and rockets.

Children born in the besieged region don’t know what peace is. For them, shells hitting their homes is a “normal”, regular occurrence.

They never got the chance to see anything else. (Drago Bosnic, June 1, 2022, emphasis added)

Starting in 2014, thousands of Donbass families including children were provided safe haven in Russia, as part of a humanitarian initiative under the auspices of Moscow’s Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Russian families have welcomed them and provided assistance.

Many of the children who were provided safe haven in Russia are orphans whose parents were killed by the Azov Battalion.

And this is categorized by the I.C.C. and the media as the “kidnapping of children” by the President of the Russian Federation. What absolute nonsense.

Video: A Russian Youth Camp categorized as War Crimes against Children

Who are The War Criminals

The I.C.C. has carefully turned a blind eye to the endless war crimes committed by US-NATO. Millions of civilians killed, not to mention Tony Blair and GWB’s illegal invasion of Iraq in March 2003, Twenty Years Ago. 

Donbass. Humanitarian Endeavor or “War Crimes”?

Russia’s initiative in support of Donbass civilians has been ongoing since the outset in 2014. Thousands of lives have been saved. 

It started in Rostov on the Don ( about 100 km from the border with Ukraine, see map below) which had established facilities starting in 2014 to assist the people of Donesk and Luhansk.


The following June 12, 2014 report provides details on what is depicted by the media as “kidnapping of children”:

One can see how the Rostov region [June 2014] is gradually turning into an area neighboring the combat zone. Thousands of refugees cross the border fleeing the territory of Donetsk People’s Republic. It becomes clear we face a serious disaster with grave consequences to follow. On June 4 [2014], Vassily Golubev, the Rostov region governor, declared emergency in 15 border areas.

According to regional authorities, 995 Ukrainians including 489 children, found refuge in the region as of June 6. 2014.

The flow increased the following days. The recent report [June 2014] says 7335 Ukrainian citizens entered the Rostov region while 4272 left. A local source informed that there were 2102 people, 930 children, given refuge in 15 municipal districts.  About half of the refugees were given accommodation by local people while  many of  them are living in tents.

It was my job to take care of refugees – or potential refugees – from Donbass. The people from Ukrainian Lugansk region also go to the office of unrecognized Donetsk People’s Republic to ask for help. We do our best, but it’s not that easy.  We help the refugees from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics to cross the border and we temporarily accommodate them but the resources are scarce.

We should admit that the local branches of Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations are doing a perfect job. Still the problems are plentiful. The refugee’s legal status is to be defined. Are they foreigners? Immigrants compelled to change the place of residence?  They never know what is in store for them and how long they are going to stay in Russia.  The tragedy is immense. Summer will fly away soon. It’ll become colder. What next?

They tell a lot of things media outlets never report, especially war stories. A former special operations officer saving the children from shells, 17 year old boys on barricades defending the Donbass populated areas from Ukrainian tanks.

The people in Rostov and other Russian cities call and send letters and e-mails offering help.

Time will pass and many things will be obliterated.

But these unobtrusive people ready to act like heroes will always stay in memory.

What is happening on the territory of Donbass declared a combat zone by Kiev where it conducts its “anti-terrorist operation”?  There is a large concentration of Ukrainian troops there.  …

The Azov Battalion’s Nazi Indoctrination Camp for Children and Adolescents 

The Azov battalion is not only involved in killing children in Eastern Ukraine, it has also been running a Summer Camp military training project (starting in 2014-2015) for young children as part of its broader Nazi indoctrination program.

© vk.com/tabir.azovec
The Nazi Wolfsangel SS symbol on their T-Shirts

The Nazi Summer Camps constitutes a crime against Ukrainian children, which the I.C.C., Western governments and the media have casually ignored.

Compare the Nazi children’s training camp to the Russian Youth Camp for Alleged Kidnapped Donbass orphans, which is tagged by the I.C.C. as a crime against humanity.

And the media applaud. And this article is the object censorship.

For details See:

Ukraine’s “Neo-Nazi Summer Camp”. Military Training for Young Children, Para-military Recruits

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 02, 2023


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