Mark Taliano

Syria’s War for Peace

There is a great deal of discussion about saving civilian lives in Syria, as there should be. Missing from the discussion, however, is the most important point. If Western policymakers were genuinely concerned about saving civilians, they would not have waged this Regime Change war in the first place.

All of the death and destruction is a direct result of the West’s criminal regime change operations. Whereas the atrocity stories about President Assad are fake [1], the West’s crimes are in plain view every day. If Western media was honest, and Western politicians were honest, these truths would be foundational to any discussions about saving civilians in Syria.

Notwithstanding the above, diplomacy is still preferable to war, when possible, and this has resulted in a ceasefire in the Idlib region.  The ceasefire is a relief to surrounding towns which have regularly endured terrorist mortar attacks. The ceasefire agreement looks like this:

Notwithstanding the fact that Turkey has been a major supporter of terrorists throughout the war, if the ceasefire holds, then Turkey’s efforts in this case will be commendable.

Separately, the Netherlands, announced that it will end its support for al Qaeda-affiliated White Helmets.  The rationale for their decision should serve as a wake-up call to Western politicians:

Step by step, Syria and its allies are winning this war against Western-supported terrorism. However, the death and destruction will not end until the West and its proxies are entirely removed from Syria. The War on Syria: Are the White Helmets preparing another Chemical Weapons False Flag?

Whereas Syria and its allies seek to minimize the devastation to Syria and its peoples, the West’s Regime Change operations necessarily seek (and are achieving) the opposite. 


Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


1. Prof. Tim Anderson, “War Propaganda and the Dirty War on Syria.” Global Research. 2 December, 2015. ( Accessed 20 September, 2018.

2. Moon of Alabama.“The Dike Breaks – Netherland Ends Support For “White Helmets” Terrorist Propaganda.” 15 September, 2018.( Accessed 20 September, 2018.