Mark Taliano

The White Helmets are “Black Helmets”, They are Al Qaeda And Canada Supports Them

The White Helmets are Black Helmets.  They are al Qaeda, and the Canadian government supports them financially and politically.[1]

Canadian MP Arif Virani explains on his Facebook page that,

“Today in Parliament, we received a delegation from the White Helmets. These men and women are part of Syria’s civil defence system, who literally risk their lives each and every day to come to the aid of bombing victims of the Syrian civil war. They are Syria’s only functioning first responders in what ‎has been a bloody conflict that has destroyed Syrian infrastructure over the past several years.

It was honour to receive them and to hear about the heroic work they are doing. It is now incumbent upon us to ensure that others learn about the life-saving work they are doing, and for us to assist them in their efforts.

To learn more about the humanitarian assistance being provided by the White Helmets, go to “[2]

The photos above feature Raed Saleh[3], Mounir Mustafa, and Manal Abazeed.

Reality contradicts Virani’s aforementioned assessment.

The White Helmets are a product of a covert intelligence op.[4] and part of the Western war propaganda apparatus that sells mass murder, extreme misogyny, sectarianism, anti-Christianity, and Supreme International Crimes, as “humanitarian”.

READ MORE: Syria’s Children: “Condemned to Live”, Shackled by the Scars of US-NATO Terrorism

They ARE NOT affiliated with theInternational Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO).[5] They are a propaganda construct.  A terrorist PR front.

It is a bitter irony, on this Easter weekend, even as East Ghouta, Syria, is being liberated, and former captives feel “reborn”, that our government should continue to support anti-Christian[6], sectarian terrorists and their Public Relations fronts.


Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


[1] “Thursday: Syria’s White Helmets in Parliament Hill.” CPAC. ( Accessed 31 March, 2018.

[2] Arif Virani. Public Facebook commentary. 29 March, 2018.

[3] Vanessa Beeley,“EXCLUSIVE: ‘President’ Raed Saleh’s Terrorist Connections within White Helmet Leadership.” 21st Century Wire.  10 December 2016. ( Accessed 31 March, 2018.

[4] Rick Sterling, “Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators/ White Helmets, Avaaz, Nicholas Kristof and Syria No Fly Zone.” Dissident Voice. 9 April, 2015.( Accessed 31 March, 2018.

[5] “Intl. Civil Defence Org: ‘The White Helmets are not even civil defence’ in Syria (w/ VIDEO).” Off Guardian. 9 October, 2016. ( Accessed 31 March, 2018.

[6] Mark Taliano, “America Seeks to Destroy Syrian Civilization, Replace it With Terrorism and Ignorance.” Global Research. 22 March, 2017. ( Accessed 31 March, 2018.

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