Mark Taliano

Women’s Rights in Syria/Interview with Ayssar Midani

Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa

Mark: Speaking. Hello. This is we’re in Damascus, Syria. I’m Mark Taliano, and I am speaking with a Syrian citizen who is an important scientist and she has lived and worked in France as well. And would you like to introduce yourself your background? 

Ayssar: Yes, absolutely. Thank you. Thank you for inviting me. And I’m chairman of the network of Syrian scientist and innovators in technology abroad. I’ve lived. I’m expatriated in France for 50 years and came back to Syria during the war from the first day in 2011 just to see the truth, just to understand about all these media, about all these fake news and about this war. In fact, I think we would talk about that. 

Mark: We know that …… 

Ayssar: Thank you very much, Mark. 

Ayssar: Thank you.  

Ayssar: We know that you have lived in Syria for some time. Haven’t you? You grew up in Syria. 

Ayssar: I lived in Syria and I had my bachelor degree in Syria, my BSC. It was in physics and chemistry. And then I went to France for PhD in chemistry and worked in chemistry ten years and then went back to the University just to study information science. 

Mark: That and that was one of the things that surprised me when I first came to Syria is how well educated the people were and how well educated they are. And part of that is due to the fact that education is free. In other words, there’s an equality there. If you don’t have money, you can still get educated. Unlike in some countries like Canada, where higher education costs a lot of money, it’s unaffordable for many people. Now. 

Ayssar: May I add something? Also, there is no discrimination between girls and guys for any kind of study. I discovered when I went to France just to continue my studies. I was really surprised that all the engineering were shot in the front of girls. 

No girls could go to engineering school in France. 

Mark: very interesting. 

Ayssar: And I made my PhD in chemistry. But in the chemistry of Petroleum. And also I asked to go to the National Institute of Petroleum just to continue to make a specialization in refining or industry religious idealization of Petroleum. And they told me we are not accept women in our school unless they are sent by their own government. This means unless they cannot refuse. So that was the shock of my life. And well, so I can say in Syria, women and men can go to any education institution Institute they want and afterwards when we’re at work, also women and men have the same salary for the same responsibility. 

Mark: That’s very interesting.  

Ayssar: And this is a very important point. And I think that we are much more developed than some countries supposingly different very large and they want to teach us how to behave. Our women about to behave towards our people. 

Mark:  That’s what they’re presenting  

Ayssar: teaching us democracy and equality and equity. 

Mark: when actually they’re just teaching Takfeerian terrorism and backwardness and reverse of civilization. We talked about that yesterday too education. So we have equal access to education here. We touched on war propaganda, and I think there’s a relationship between education and being able to critically assess war propaganda. It seems to me that North America, we are desperately in need of de-education because people have been educated to accept without any critical analysis, what the television and the government tells them. And the television and government tells people in Canada, North America, that we are fighting terrorism. 

But we’re everyone here knows that we support the terrorists. It’s that’s what one would think that an educated society, that critical thinking society would understand that. 


Broadly speaking, Canadians do not understand that. And next, we’re going to talk about weapons of mass destruction. Everyone knows now that the weapons in mass destruction was a fake pretext to invade and destroy Iraq. We all know that it was a fake pretext to invade and destroy Libya. Now, for the last eight years or so, Western media and Western politicians have been talking about chemical weapons. Could you talk to us about chemical weapons? 

Ayssar: Yes. And I think I can talk about all the lies and the DNI from the beginning on these four because in 2011, as I told you yesterday, I was trying to come to Damascus one month, every two months just to see what the truth about all these things. And I found that there was a very big gap between the reality and what is told in the Western media, the mainstream media. 

Mark: You talked about giving kids or to money to protest. 

Ayssar: This is a mass destruction. 

Ayssar: In Syria that has been used against Syria. The Captagon and the money just giving people money and Captagon just to tell them to do things and take a lot of crimes. 

Mark: Well, to create Walt Disney stories, they’re totally detached reality. What about these chemical weapons? 

Ayssar: Well, in 2013, the Syrian Army liberated Khan Al Assal and which was a village of the surrounding of Aleppo, a big village, Hana, the Syrian Army has been really very well received by the population. There were a lot of demonstration of happiness just to celebrate this entry of the Syrian arms. The second day, the day after there were an attack by the terrorists and a lot of people died. And then they said it is a chemical attack of attack against Assad because they were against him and they transformed. So they’re inverting…. 

Mark: inverting reality.  

Ayssar: inverting reality and that was all the time. I tell you all the demonstration to support Assad to support our country and to protest against interventions and against the in an in fact, interference in Syrian in Syrian policy. They were diffused on the channel, the Occidental TV channels with a filter transforming the colors of the flag, which has been supported by the people. So a lot of things like this and for that Syria immediately in March 2013 Ask for a Commission from as the UN for an investigation Commission just to come to Khan Al Assal and to investigate. 

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