By Dr. Peter McCullough and Reiner Fuellmich
Global Research, June 18, 2021
Stiftung Corona Ausschuss 12 June 2021
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This is important right to the end. Show this to anyone who has yet to get one or both mRNA shots.
“Good doctors are doing unthinkable things like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathogenic spike protein into pregnant women. I think when these doctors wake up up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people,” he said, echoing what he, and Dr. Harvey Risch, professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham during an interview last month.
“We are at over 5,000 deaths so far, as you know, and I think about 15,000 hospitalizations. In the EU it’s over 10,000 deaths. We are working with the Center for Medicaid (CMS) data, and we have a pretty good lead that the real number is tenfold.”
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Featured image is a screenshot from the video interview
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12 April 2021The original source of this article is Stiftung Corona Ausschuss Copyright © Dr. Peter McCullough and Reiner Fuellmich, Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, 2021