Corona: 5 Official Facts/ By Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg


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Corona: Five Official Facts
Dezember 2023
Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg

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1. All-time low clinic occupancy in 2020
In 2020, clinic occupancy fell to an all-time low, in some cases 30% below the previous year’s figure. Link Bundesgesundheitsministerium (p. 4):

2. Few severe respiratory diseases
Respiratory diseases were inconspicuous in 2020 and 2021. Peaks occurred in 2018
and at the end of 2022. Link Robert Koch-Institut (p. 5):

3. Deaths increased noticeably in 2021 not 2020
In 2020, the age-adjusted mortality rate was between the values of 2018 and 2019.
It only increased noticeably with the start of vaccination in 2021. Link Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes:

4. Corona deaths were older than other deaths
On average, the PCR deaths were 83 years old, the other deaths were 82 years old.
Links Robert Koch-Institut (p. 19): und Bundesinstitut für

5. Sweden performed better than Germany
The overall mortality rate per capita was lower in lockdown- and mask-free Sweden
than in Germany. Link: World Health Organization:



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