Femicide and other heinous atrocities against Syrian women continue to be ignored by the West, including so-called feminist groups. Watching the wretched diplomats drone on about protecting the murderers of Syrian women while braying about the need for ‘rights of women in the SAR’ makes it woefully past time for the gloves to come off. There is something particularly rancid when a man who has ignored mass slaughter, kidnapping, and rape of women dares to utter a single word about women’s rights.

After more than 7-1/2 years of foreign-sponsored horrors against Syria — some so blood-curdling as to be unfit for the US hit tv Criminal Minds — it is more than inexcusable for anyone to be ignorant of the gruesome facts. How do fraud liberals legitimize their blindness to the obvious lack of women when the terrorists are entertained in the UN, on Capitol Whore Hill, and in interviews? Mockingbirdbrains screeching to Save Idlib Terrorists! honestly have not noticed that Syrian women in Idlib are invisible, except for public executions for adultery (and some ridiculous inside photo ops of teen girls fake engaged in fake trauma care with the savage White Helmets, for purpose of fundraising because the CIA & British intelligence just does not give them enough tax monies.)?

Even Dalmatian de Mistura has admitted that double-digit thousands of foreign “fighters” [armed terrorists] control Idlib city and governate. Look at what the savages have painted on a public building:

Compare the misogynistic filth of Idlib terrorists, above, to the photos of the recent Syria al-Salam popular marathon in Damascus and other cities:

The rights of women in Syria are almost genetic; they date back thousands of years, to the great warrior queen, Zenobia. Syrian women had the right to vote within 7 years of the evacuation of French occupiers. Dr. Najah al-Attaris Syria’s vice president (the Constitution provides that the VP assumes the presidency should the president become incapacitated). Rape is a capital crime in Syria; rape was an aberration in Syria, pre-2011 — as was femicide.

Between April 2011 — mere weeks after NATO’s Spring was exploded onto Syria — and June 2013, thirty-seven thousand (37,000) rapes were committed against Syrian women, and one thousand (1,000) Syrian women were kidnapped.
In August 2011 — during the early days of the foreign invasion of Syria, when all the moderate terrorists were members of the FSA — Syrian television journalist, Yara Al Saleh was among the 1,000 women kidnapped (along with her crew, some of whom were murdered).

Western MSM cheered the murderous ”spring,” as did neo-liberal media, faux supporters of women, women’s rights, and women’s safety. Barbaric psychological warfare was also launched against Syrian women: The 91 year old father of actress Raghda was abducted, tortured, and video sent to her; a 15 year old boy was lethally shot in front of his mother and father; a mom and dad were texted to check their son’s Facebook page for a new photo.

News reporter Yara Abbas was killed by sniper fire in May 2013; again, there was no MSM reporting, no acknowledgement of femicide by the terrorists supported with the tax monies of NATO countries.

On 18 June, attempted femicide against Dr. Seham Dannoun, Faculty Deputy Dean of the Arts and Humanities for Science via remote detonation of her vehicle. The professor’s life was saved, but she required bilateral above the knee amputations. Was this mentioned by the MSM functioning as press liaison for the terrorists who tried to murder her?

Law graduate and local activist Roula Adnan was murdered in her home three days after the assassination attempt on Dr. Dannoun.
Please look at this report’s featured image; does it look remotely familiar?
In the summer of 2013, several villages in Lattakia governate were overrun by terrorists. Most men were slaughtered and the women and their children were kidnapped. Their exact numbers were never released. The video showing al-Jazeera’s involvement in their kidnapping is included, here. These women were forced to thank their kidnappers. Note how they fidget with their head scarves. In Syria, women dress themselves. These women were not used to head coverings.
Do you remember seeing any news on their mass abductions from anyone? CNN? Fox News? Daily Beast (“666”)?
Yet all did report on the chemical attack in Ghouta 21 August 2013, all did condemn Syria, then President Obama threatened to bomb Syria. Yet, nobody mentioned that some of the victims were identified as those women and their children kidnapped from Lattakia. No one said “femicide.”
What happened to us could make the mountains cry from sadness. — a Syrian grandmother
This is Sidra Ahmed. On 2 September 2015, she was among 10 martyred when a van was remotely detonated outside the Imad Ali public school. Located in a poor neighborhood, MSM cheered the car bombing in regime stronghold. There were no condemnations of mass child homicides, nor of the attempted and committed femicide of their moms, taking them to school.

On 12 May 2016 the terrorists supported by the UN, NATO, and various independent fake leftists engaged in femicide in the village of Zara, bordering on Homs and Hama. Upwards of 100 mostly women and their children were slaughtered, and women’s bodies then desecrated.

Afraa Dagher, a frequent contributor to SyriaNews and a Syrian living in Syria, had reported on this atrocity on her YouTube channel. Her voice was among the first to be censored by the terrorist-supporting Google. Her interview with John Kountouris on the massacre is preserved on LiveLeak.
22 July 2016 was a lovely day in Aleppo. Many Syrian women met in Sebil Park to spend time with their girlfriends. Many Syrian moms brought their children. And those “moderate armed male opposition” members decided this was an excellent opportunity to maximize the femicide. Eight persons were killed, 30 injured by those freedom-loving bombs. These women sitting on this bench have not been identified. Their slaughter was not mentioned in MSM.

This was 9 year old Yousef, shot by a freedom-loving sniper while he walked home from school on 24 October 2016.

This is Yousef’s mom, who collapsed to the floor when she was given the news that no woman should ever hear. MSM was beginning to worry about the liberation of Alepp, but had not interest in a murdered child, nor in the grief of his mother.

In mid-December 2016, while MSM — fake left, fake right, fake neutral — were all howling to protect Aleppo’s terrorists, one fine gentleman put out a call to the “anti-Islam Wahhabi sex Jihadists, for a fatwa for men to commit femicide against their wives, to blame on “the regime.”

The demons who refused to put down their weapons and join Reconciliation were put onto buses and taken in safety to Idlib — the governate where women are as invisible as they were in the eastern area of Aleppo, when the takfiri controlled it. Once they were free again, these Syrian women were doing most of the talking.
This is Hayat, 21. She was the first woman to speak out, after the liberation of Aleppo. She spoke of kidnappings, including her own. She spoke of incarcerations and torture, including her own. She spoke of women stoned to death. She said that her husband had been kidnapped, taken to Turkey and his body returned missing its organs. Though fully covered, she removed both her gloves, and showed her hands. Both had fingers broken and never reset. One hand was scarred. The video was removed, when YouTube censored the account of Arabi Souri. It had thousands of videos with more than 6 million views. All of them were grizzly videos showing the atrocities committed by the terrorists that all MSM support (as they are all doing for Idlib, now.).
Again, please refer to the featured image (and the video included, here ). The mass kidnapping of these Syrian women was not reported in western MSM; why not? Three and one-half years later, 58 of these women and their children — some born ”in captivity” — regained their freedom in exchange for terrorists in Syrian jails. NATO-dominated media and faux liberal media sources were all mute, once again. Note that these women who fumbled with head scarves in 2013, were now in full niqab.

In early April 2017, a deal was brokered between terrorist enemy Qatar and ally Iran, for another hostage-prisoner exchange. Again, most of the hostages were Syrian women and their children, from [men] terrorist-occupied Fuah and Kafrayah. The exchange was temporarily postponed because of the chemical hoax in Khan Sheikhoun (where mostly children kidnapped from their mothers were poisoned for the tv cameras), but soon resumed. While the Qatari-sponsored savages got safely onto buses, other terrorists remained to create a massacre in al Rashidin. Approximately 130 mostly women and children were slaughtered on 15 April, and dozens of children were kidnapped and taken to Turkey.

Mass femicide of Syrian women on 15 April 2017, and the voices of women survivors were ignored, silenced, censored.

Women are slaughtered, silenced, censored and media interviewed man as hero, a guy who coincidentally happened to be giving interviews from Khan Sheikhoun on 4 April and previously happened to be giving interviews from Aleppo.

This was Rita Nedal. The 15 year old was killed when moderates fired humanitarian mortars into the Bab Touma neighborhood 22 January 2018.

This is Christine Hourani. She was also a victim of the Bab Touma bombing. Surgeons were only able to save one of this teen girl’s legs.

These photographs infer the degenerate efficiency of femicide and feticide. Gestational age is likely 6-7 months. Missing mother’s blood has been cleaned, but vernix caseosa does not wash off. Syrian women are not merely raped or slaughtered by mostly foreign terrorists, they are also tortured. One method is to carve out a pregnant woman‘s baby.
The pervert who posted these fotos to his Facebook page, also posted the photo of kidnapped Syrian women in cages.

The degenerate, perverted freak who posted these photographs to his Facebook wall happens to have been a primary source for the New York Times when it ran the Douma chemical hoax followed by the outlaw states of US, UK, and France bombing the SAR again — bombing Syria for the most vile generation of al-Qaeda savages, bombing Syria to help the perpetrators of femicide. The killers themselves uploaded the hideous video. How was everyone so blind as to not notice the fake emergency room was filled with children being tormented and their mothers all missing?! Is this some new type of stupid, among the western population?
If so, it is a new kind of stupid, a criminal stupidity, a criminal stupidity with pathogenic arrogance smeared all over it.

Where were their mothers? How did no one not notice their mothers were missing?
They were victims of femicide, along with some of their children. Their bodies were dumped like garbage, and the frenzied necrophiliacs painted their dead faces with gels and baking soda and other accoutrements to mimic frothing of the mouth.

Terrorist ally Donald J. Trump spoke before the UNGA on 25 September. Many in attendance snickered when he began by bragging of US employment statistics. Nobody snickered, though, when he vehemently aligned himself with terrorists — who commit femicide — nor did anyone complain about the stench of sulfur that emanated when he lied about Syria and threatened more bombings for the malignant misogynists.

SyriaNews has reported extensively on the rabid, deep state hyenas ravenous for Syrian blood, with special attention to the tripartite aggressor bullies of the UN. France, Britain, and the United States are leaders in world genocide, leaders in colonialist exceptionalism, and also the capi di tutti capi who keep the UN house servants submissive.
Dalmatian de Mistura — in his finest colonialist wardrobe — continued to ignore femicide by his armed invader friends in Syria, while barking about women’s rights and representation in a utopian SAR made into a satrap of the Three Musketeers. His new Syria would disenfranchise all the women who voted in the presidential election, 3 June 2014. Syrians approved of their election, but the genocidal tripod deemed it “illegitimate.”

War criminal, warmongering, NATO media went into a collective swoon when Karen Pierce became the first woman to become UK’s UN ambassador. This “sister” continues her country’s support of the monsters who commit femicide of Syrian women. She also flaunts her colonialist demand for the imposition of UNSCR 2254 (2015), which basically allows the tripartite clique to write a constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic. How very strange that nobody noticed that the United Kingdom does not have a constitution of its own.
![femicide Pierce played the role of arrogant liar about CWs, Syria, & Russia. [28 August].](https://i2.wp.com/syrianews.cc/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/un-hyena-karen-pierce-played-the-fake-ignorance-game.jpg?resize=582%2C412)
The most diabolical international conspiracy in history continues to be perpetrated against the Syrian Arab Republic. We may understand the savage geopolitics of perpetual war, of that immoral military-industrial-complex against which Eisenhower warned us.
There is, however, no understanding, no excuses to be made for any civilized human beings to support NATO’s campaign of femicide against Syrian women.

UPDATE 2 October:
On 25 July, terrorists still celebrating Israel’s breach of Syrian sovereignty of extracting 800 members of the death squad White Helmets — an action Netanyahu stated was based on requests from Trump and Trudeau —blew up 150 Syrians in al Sweida. Two days later, these terrorists announced that in the ensuing mayhem, they had kidnapped 14 women and girls, and presented the internet with photos of four of them.

On 2 October, the savages announced they had murdered Tharwat Fadel Abou Ammar. She was 25 years old, and from the town of Shebki, Sweida.

Addendum: The following video was published 7 February 2018. It shows the White Helmets kidnapping and having kidnapped children. Note the girl told to pose on the ground. Before dragging her to the ambulance, they painted her crotch and the ground underneath her to look like blood. Note the sobbing girl who has been FX’d up to appear as if having been dug from the Helmets’ notorious rubble. Note that while she looks terrified, and is crying, she tries to comfort younger children. Make sure to have the volume on to hear the unseen mother screaming for her child to get out of the vehicle.
How could any decent human be on the side of these monsters?
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NATO at UNSC Sheds Tears Only for Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib
Syrian Woman on Torture under NATO Rebels in Aleppo
Cologne: Sexual, and Principle, Assaults
January 27, 2016
Tagged Aleppo, Douma, feminists, Ghouta, Idlib, Latakia, News, Raghda, Steffan de Mistura, Tharwat Fadel About Ammar, White Helmets, Yara al Saleh